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University of British Columbia Department of Forestry

In 2020 the University of British Columbia conducted a study of  Pine tree seedlings treated with Solbere and a similar group without Solbere under various water stress conditions. Rates of photosynthesis and transpiration as well as height and diameter measurements were periodically taken. At the end of the six-month study, positive data was noted including increased biomass as much as 46%. (bigger trees equal increased carbon capture and lower seedling mortality rates).  Significant increased water retention in the seedlings was also confirmed. (Increased water retention= healthier and more fire resistant trees)

Bigger and healthier seedlings are more apt to survive after they are planted. Ongoing studies in the field have demonstrated a decrease in the seedling mortality rate by as much as 30% with Solbere. (Approximately 1.3 billion seedlings are planted each year in the United States with a mortality rate of approximately 40-50%. A primary cause of seedling mortality is due to the small size of the seedlings when planted).

Fresno State University Water Retention and Water Use Efficiency Studies

In the summer of 2020 Fresno State University, working with the Center for Irrigation Technology, began a 3 year study testing Solbere (in addition to an earlier version of this patented formula) on tomato crops under various water stress conditions.  (Note that plants will not effectively uptake carbon dioxide from the air while under heat or water stress conditions.)  According to the California Department of Water Resources website, in an average year, approximately 9.6 million acres are irrigated with roughly 34 million acre-feet of water.  It is further noted on their website, "that [because] agriculture accounts for 80% of all the water used in California, even small improvements in agriculture water use efficiency, can be significant."  The Fresno State studies were published in December 2022.  As revealed in the report, Solbere did more than make a small improvement in agricultural water use efficiency, it made a HUGE improvement.  Among other positive data, the study established that even with a 15% decrease in irrigation, the plants treated with Solbere had 13% more yield than the untreated plants. With a 25% decrease in irrigation, the yield enhancement with Solbere was about 5%. 


Christmas Tree Fire Mitigation Study

Watch this two minute video which shows a 6 foot Noble Fir tree 77 days after it was cut. As can be seen in the video, its needles are as green then as the day it was cut. This demonstrates that Solbere improves the health of trees through increased water retention, thus making them less combustible and more resistant to wildfire.

Toxicity Tests

Various Toxicity tests have been conducted on the Solbere product which confirm that it is non-toxic and completely safe.

Copyright © 2018 CO2 Solved, LLC, Patent No.: US 11,019,822 B2

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